Monday, January 30, 2023

lamp in a lamp game plan

 Hi ! 

for this week, I am planning on doing something extra cool by combining what I have learned from both OBDF and MADT ! 

Object design wise, I am planning on modelling a stacked light bulb, and inside it I will be inserting a "real" light bulb.

💡I had my lightbulb moment when I found this💡 :

So I thought to myself "It would be sick to model a lamp and put a real working lamp inside it"

Sketch wise: 

I will most likely make a base for it as I feel it would be a safer option if I am going to make it interactive (for later!) 

I am finding it difficult to make room for a light bulb inside it hehe so I will probably use led strips instead!!

Monday, January 23, 2023

3D Ocean Wet Vase Design + animation

 Hi !

This week we learned more cool stuff in class, I decided to go on YouTube in order to both refresh my memory and learn some extra things for this project. 

I ended up learning about Weaverbird plugin and by using that, I tried to give this vase more "personality"💅. 

This is the vase that I have made + the definition before animating it :

here is a more personal angle:

It was fun to mess around with it :

and here is the super wet final gif !!! :

this one is goofy too :

Bye Bye

Thursday, January 19, 2023

My zombie "interactive" LED lights

 Hi again!

So I struggled A LOT and am still confused about why I can’t get this thing to work. It is not interactive yet, looks more like an artifact representing my failure. Here is two different photos with two different attempts that ended up not working unfortunately. 

First attempt:

Second attempt:

I am currently working on the third attempt and when it is finished I will post the final code here as well (can’t wait) 


I GOT SOMETHING WORKING, it is not a 100 percent yet but I am pretty proud so far.


Code so far:

  // serial communication

  //LED pins
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(13, INPUT);
  // pin 13 resistor
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

void loop() {


  //is button being pressed?
  if (digitalRead(13) == 0) {

    digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  } else {
    if (analogRead(A0) <= 700) {

      digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
     if (analogRead(A0) >= 0 && analogRead(A0) <= 240) {
      digitalWrite(8, LOW);
      digitalWrite(9, LOW);
      digitalWrite(10, LOW);
    //reading of button and pot
    Serial.print("  ");

Blink Blink

 Hi, this is my Blink: 

This is my code:

// Blink: Turns LED on for a second, then off for a second

//pin 13 name
int led = 13;

//setup routine runs once when reset is pressed
void setup() {

  //initialize the digital pin as an output
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT) ;

//the loop routine runs over and over again :
void loop() {

digitalWrite(led,HIGH);   //turn LED on
delay(500) ;            //waits a second
digitalWrite(led,LOW);   //turn the LED off
delay(500);            //waits a second


Monday, January 16, 2023

1.My First Wavy definition

 Hi !

This is my wavy, slimy looking work that I have been working on.

Here is the final work:

It all started from here:

My initial plan was to create small pieces and by putting them all together like a puzzle, I wanted to create a flower. Yet it has been a while since last time I messed around with Rhino, so instead I chose to go with a more simple approach by creating one single wavy shape and use that to create a wavy, ocean looking scene. 
learning grasshopper has been making me feel like I am learning a new language. tutorials were simple to follow and understand. The main challenge was getting used to the way things look and function in grasshopper. 

I am also glad that I was following along in class last week as it made me  more familiar with the tools and their functions in grasshopper. It also made following the tutorials less intimidating!

I learned that the best way for me to understand and "memorize" how things work in grasshopper is by taking notes and drawings. following my notes has been helpful to refresh my memory as well.

Input/Output 2: Touch designer progress demo

  Hi again, This is a little someting something I made Touch Designer progress:  This week, I created a (demo) moving liquid situation on to...